Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ice and Fire update

Yesterday was interesting to say the least!  I took Meghan to the Dr since she was still running triple digit fever.  Diagnosis: pneumonia.  He wanted xrays to make sure she didn't have fluid in her lungs before starting antibiotics.  I made arrangements to get Jenna to a friend's house so I could concentrate on Meghan (thank you for watching her!).  We had a time limit to get the xrays done and then back to the clinic for the antibiotics if her lungs were clear, which we just made.  I don't want to think about how they get fluid out of lungs.  Thankfully, she was good to go, which was rewarded with supposedly the most painful shot you can get in the butt.  Picked up Jenna, got meds, went home so she could start taking icky, awful meds.  I hope I don't have to see Meghan so worn out again - limp rag doll syndrome.  I had her in a wheelchair at the hospital, otherwise I carried her where we needed to go (Mark had the stroller with him in Gig Harbor).  Good news is today she's tarting to perk up, eating a little bit and excited about the snow.  Yes, snow.  It started this morning, a dusting on any surface cold enough.  For some reason it makes me want to listen to Christmas music, drink hot chocolate and curl up in a blanket, which is pure drivel since the house is 79.  Thank you, wood stove!  Jenna and I went to my other commitment last night, the school carnival.  I am so thankful that I can trust her to behave on her own - she had the run of the joint last night, had a ball, made some new friends.  Today is unwind, regroup day.  Maybe we'll go play in the snow!

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