Monday, January 26, 2009


This week was a little slow-paced, which is good! Thursday we finished laying the flooring in the living room. It was still frosty out at 4:00, so Meghan and I went for a "camera walk", taking pictures of whatever struck us, including each other! Friday the frost was even more magnificent, so I snapped pictures while waiting for Meghan's bus (11:30). The sun finally peeked through then, and I snapped pictures around the house as the frost was melting.
We've decided we have enough of the flooring left over to do our bedroom (yes, we majorly over-bought), so that is the next project. We'll run it in the other direction, to provide a break between the bedroom and living room. That leaves the 2 bathrooms and the kitchen to redo and the entire floor of the house will be changed! We'll also change the inside window trim on the bedroom windows - the last ones for that as well! I had been saving a little pair of roller skates until we finished the floor. Meghan doesn't like them, says they hurt her feet. Jenna loves them! Meghan tries to steady her as she goes around the room. And Mark's remote control car finally has the dust knocked off since it has a place to run.
I did manage to get some beading done this week, finally. We got the movie WallE Sat, watched it a few times. I really like it, the female lead is the strong one, saves WallE and he saves her - not your usual Disney viewpoint!
Jenna's added a very clear "Meghan" to her vocabulary. She also likes to say "Thank you" and "No problem" when you say thank you to her! She's also starting to ask "Why?" - a phase Meghan never had! Her current favorite movie is Dumbo - Meghan has started reciting the lines the stork says when Dumbo is delivered to his mom, acting out the entire scene.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Yet Another Crazy Week

Bathing Beauties!

Sooner or later a week is going to be slow! What started out as what should be quiet did not turn out that way. Monday was quiet, got lots done at home. Tuesday was trial by fire. I noticed the oil light on the van intermittently coming on as I went to Meghan's school to volunteer. When I got done, I checked the van's oil - there wasn't ANY! There was some nice rainbows forming in the water under the van. I called a friend to see if she could get some oil for me, so I could drive it to the mechanic. When she got there, she reminded me of my AAA card, and that driving without oil could seize the engine. So, I had it towed to the mechanic. In the mean time, she picked up Jenna and Jasmine and took them to lunch. I called her when I was done, and she took us home. Thank goodness for great friends! The mechanic fixed the van that day (oil pressure switch), Mark paid for it over the phone, and got the key on his way home (too late to go and get it - Council night). We got up when Mark left for work the next morning and went to get the van on his way in (4:30am). Wed was a Children's Council meeting in the morning, volunteer in Jenna's class since I didn't the day before, and take her to her 4 year check up. She is very healthy, 3'3" and 34lb. She got her last round of shots before kindergarten - only a little whimper, and she watched the needles go in (4 shots)! What a trooper! Wed night was the first class for DCYP. Thursday Mark and I had breakfast in Hamilton, and put in half of the laminate flooring in the living room, along with paint that half of the room, and volunteer in DK. Friday was the first day I've missed Meghan's bus, so I took her to school, had class at Good Beginnings, got Meghan after school (she's out at 11 on Friday - no DK), grabbed lunch, dropped the girls at a friend's house in Woolley, and had Meghan's IEP meeting - an hour meeting turned into 2.5 hours. Sat was speech and errands while Mark stayed home to get stuff done. Yesterday we did more flooring. Today friends came over to play for the afternoon. This week I have volunteering tomorrow, a morning meeting and class Wed, finish the flooring Thur. Aykarumba! No wonder I don't get much beadwork done!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Back to Normal?

The water has mostly receded into it's regular pathways, the hills have stopped slip-sliding away, and tomorrow the girls go to school while I get to stay home for a change. Aside from putting away about 2 weeks of the girl's clothing (why is that something I always put off?) I should be free to bead myself silly.
I did get to spend about an hour outside today, taking all of the dead stuff (glads, lupine, dahlias) out and trimming back the fuchsia bushes. I'm already planning the veggie garden for next year. I took a look at it today, and pulled up some carrots. This is a saguaro carrot (not really, it just grew like that). We purchased some flexible pipe and plastic to make covers for some of the raised beds, to try and extend our oh-so-short growing season. They've already had seeds on sale here, so I scarfed up most of the ones I need - they didn't have the marine heliotrope, so I'm still looking for that. It's supposed to help attract pollinating bugs, especially for tomatoes.
This week doesn't look bad, except for Wed - potential Children's Council meeting, get back in time to take Jenna to her 4 year check up (and shots) and then possibly the Developing Capable Young People class in the evening. I took the class last year (10 weeks, Wed evening) but I'm seriously considering auditing it this year as a refresher - I'm not the only one either! Tuesday is Council, Friday is the parent class at preschool. I'll just be glad if the girls get to go to school for the entire week!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Wild but not Wet Time

I don't have any pictures to show you, but we are fine. The water never reaches us - if it got that high, the entire coast would be under. We did have an interesting time of it! The creek near here backed up into the gully that runs along Hwy 20 - over the end of the road we use to get out. The other end of the road (it's a loop) routinely gets water during flood events. Mark managed to get to work Wed, but it took him forever since he had to backtrack and go up to Concrete to cross the river and come down the South Skagit road - which usually has water too. He managed to get home the same route. Mudslides have been the worst, closing roads. The rivers have crested, but most of the problem is creeks and drainage ditches backed up with debris, which may take longer to go away. I've seen DOT trucks going around with their plows down to help clear stuff off the road.

Our neighbor and friend unfortunately has her driveway inundated with water from the creek overflow - this has never happened before! Her cars were parked at the end because there was still snow and ice on her driveway - so her car was in the water (she later managed to get it up and out of the water). The girls and I went to check on her and her granddaughters, and decided to cross the horse pasture to get to her house - 2 fence gates and a barbed wire fence later, we were there! Her husband is in the hospital, so being stuck was a problem. We drove past her house with the truck today but couldn't stop; the water was too deep. There was water coming over the hood from the wave we pushed, too deep to try and get her little car out. So today they did the same trek out that we did in, and Mark drove her to Everett (where her husband's having surgery tomorrow). The youngest girl is in-between Meghan and Jenna in age, goes to the same preschool, so she's hanging with us. The older girl is staying with a friend in Lyman. It's our first sleep-over!