Sunday, August 10, 2008

Kittens and Bikes

These are the kittens living on our porch. One grey tabby, one black, one tortoiseshell. The black one has ghost black stripes, I call her Shadow. The tortoiseshell looks like her Mommy, we call the mom Pudding (choc and butterscotch swirl). Both of them have that color split down the face. The grey tabby is a boy, and likes to bully the girls, who don't take it. Still looking for homes.

Wed Carson and Sue came over to make sock puppets. The girls played hard, and later Jenna conked out mid-snack - that's a carrot under her cheek. Meghan shows off her smile.

The girls went riding this evening, so I got some action shots. Jenna comes barreling down the street, pedalling like mad, Meghan tends to be more sedate, but she is improving greatly in balance and strength.

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