It's been another busy week, and this one looks almost as bad! Tuesday we got the girls off to school and headed south to get firewood (our main/only source of heat is our wood stove). You see, the Dept of Natural Resources hands out firewood permits occasionally. We've been trying to snag one, but they didn't have any. Finally, they said,"Come on Monday." I showed up at 10am and snagged the very last one. The bad part is it is outside of Monroe, 1.5 hours away. Mark made a trip by himself, to see what kind and where it was. We rented a trailer Tuesday, thinking we could haul home a lot of wood. We ran out of time, since we needed to be back in time to get the girls off of buses. I called a friend to get Jenna, since we wouldn't make it in time for her. That also gave us time to stop and have lunch! So, pick up Jenna, go home and unload and split and stack what we got (big logs!), and return the trailer to Mount Vernon. Then we went to Sears and got the camera I've been drooling over for a few months - a Canon A590. We stopped at Fred Meyer to get dinner, and cupcakes and ice cream for dessert. What a day!
Wednesday was calm, a nice change from the day before. Thursday Mark and I went to breakfast after the girls went to school. Then I had dinner with Sue and Kendra - we were there for 2 hours, talking about all kinds of stuff! Friday was parent class, a meeting with Kay to discuss problems with Meghan's afternoon class, and Jenna's IEP meeting. Saturday Meghan was assessed for speech therapy before Jenna's session - the kid who was coming in before Jenna stopped, so we can slide Meghan in that slot, have the session's back-to-back. I'm confident that private speech will help Meghan much more than the school district is doing.
Today all of us went for firewood. We loaded the truck, which handled better than Mark thought it would. The girls had fun helping roll the pieces down the hill to the truck, and just being outside. We thought it would take another trip to finish filling our woodpile, but we can't fit another row on the pallet, so we're done! Our woodpile is up on pallets, it's 2 pallets wide, 1 pallet high and 4 pallets long - about 3.5 cord total. We've never used it all in one winter, so we alternate which end we take it from every year to make sure it doesn't sit forever. The picture of the rainbow is just one of about six we saw on the way home!
The preview for this week is council meeting, law and justice council meeting, $25k of popcorn to sort and deliver, PDA town meeting, and Kung Fu Panda movie night at Meghan's school. At least some of it is fun!
The pictures are from the new camera - they are probably much bigger in file size. If you have trouble seeing them, let me know, and if enough people have problems I'll save them as smaller files before uploading them.
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