We went to Sears Sunday for one of their "friends and family" nights - they have extra discounts, and the store is open later than normal. Mark took the girls to the "kids corner" they had set up - face painting (Meghan has a smiley face, Jenna a heart), some other things, and pictures with Santa. Last year we tried to get pictures at the hardware store in Woolley - Jenna was fine, but Meghan got scared when we wanted her to sit in his lap. We'd been talking about it lately, just to get her used to the idea for this year. We weren't expecting to have pictures taken, but what the heck! Apparently both girls had a blast. I was looking for something for Jenna to wear to have her school picture taken today, but didn't find anything better than what was already in her closet. I gave her 4 choices this morning - she picked the black velveteen dress. Her pictures are going to be so cute! I went to help her teacher since I knew it would be a little more crazy than normal, so I got to see them take her picture. She's such a ham!
Other things that happened this week - Tuesday was council night; the latest flood watch was in effect, everyone was preparing for a possible evacuation! I went to Everett Wed to get popcorn from the BSA office that would be needed Thursday, Thursday we sorted and delivered $25k of popcorn in 4.5 hours (while the river crested about 10 feet below the level of the warehouse)- I had help doing the deliveries this year, and it went great! I took both the girls out of school early since we couldn't get them at normal times, and they helped cart the smaller boxes around. Friday I kept Meghan home since she's got a cold, didn't get much sleep; Jasmine from down the street came for the afternoon so they could get wood in. Meghan's school was having a movie night - Kung Foo Panda, which the girls have wanted to see - but we didn't go since Meghan wasn't feeling so hot (so we bought it Sat, watched it at dinner - it's pretty good). Sat we went to speech, ran around dropping off more popcorn (the council had made our order short, so they had 6 cases of popping corn shipped to our house!), and stopped at a flooring store that was having a grand opening sale - ended up coming home with the laminate to do the living room! So there goes another room of icky grey carpet! I also moved my craft desk out to the living room, so we have room to open the wall and fix the leaky pipe in our shower, and replace some drywall under the window that I got wet watering seedlings. It's not ideal having it out where the kids can get to my stuff, but it may help me get more done in the evenings instead of spending all my time on the computer!
Other than dealing with some last popcorn issues (another trip to Everett tomorrow), this week should be fairly quiet! Hah! Meghan's still not 100% from the cold, and Jenna now has it - she coughed half of last night, still coughing tonight. It's just a question of when for me to get it, Mark has a scratchy throat already (he's lucky; 2-3 days of sore throat, a couple of coughs, some NyQuil and he's fine!). But there again, that's normal for us, so it's what we're used to!
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