Wednesday we went swimming at the KOA campground with Sue and Carson. Carson swims well, having spent 2 weeks in his aunt's pool in Tennesee. Meghan and Jenna haven't really been in a pool before to swim. We loaded them up with their life jackets, and Meghan wanted to little inflated ring, and arm bands. With all that bouyancy, she floated like a bobber. She's learning to kick, and to paddle with her arms. She went all over the pool, saying "Excuse me please" to people in her way. Once she got the hang of it, she swam for over an hour. Jenna had fun with Sue, while I was swimming next to Meghan. Sue took Jenna for swims on her back, and she's definitely comfortable in the water. I need to get some more inflatable stuff! Jenna got cold after a while, so she would watch from the bench wrapped in a towel until she got warmed up enough to come back in. We were there for 2 hours, and the girls had a blast. Then we all went to Friday Creek for lunch and splashed around the creek. Meghan still won't walk in the water, but Jenna goes in and soaks her clothes without a thought! The pictures of the girls swimming reflected the flash in their fogged-up goggles (Meghan had a mask).
Saturday we were going to go somewhere, but Mark kept falling asleep, and then Meghan got sick. Jenna soon followed. My bug waited until evening to show up. So Sunday was spent watching TV in bed for everyone. Not a fun way to spend a weekend, but now we are recooperating.
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