We went for a walk on the beach, and the boys were walking in the water. Jenna of course went right in with them, and then tripped and got soaked. But she had fun in the water! I always bring extra clothes for them when we go on outings, so we got her dried off and changed when we got back to the van.
Sat we went to the Camano Fair. Mark got free tickets (he was working), so we followed him to the fair. On the way, Meghan was saying about her tooth, that she found it (I thought she was saying "two", she was playing with 2 little horses and dropped one). She actually did find her tooth in the van! The root was totally gone, so even if it didn't wiggle, it definitely was ready to come out! That makes 5 teeth gone!
We also lost one of the black kittens. It fell into the pond and couldn't get out - the pump is off and the water was down, but deeper than the kitten could stand. Mark put stones in the water, so that shouldn't happen again. The kittens are now staying on the patio, playing under the steps. Mommy cat is still taking care of them. They are eating solid food, so we will try to find them homes soon.
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