We didn't do much this week, recooperated from being sick. Sat we went to Camano Beach, a new place for us. Most of it is really rocky, but we found a place with smaller pebbles and some sand to play in. Mark and Meghan went for a walk while Jenna and I walked in the water. The girls and Mark dug a hole, Meghan planted "seeds" and they filled in the hole, Meghan tamping it down when it was done. Both girls seem to think the proper way to dig is to throw what's on the shovel over their head.
The other picture is Jenna stirring walnut shell soup. Meghan wanted pretend eggs, but was upset when the walnuts wouldn't crack. I shelled some, and she made soup. She didn't want rocks, so I was trying to come up with something that I wouldn't care if it got wet.
I got a new rock tumbler at a yard sale. It's actually a really good one, and bigger than the other one that stopped working rather quickly, and there was no way to open it up (this one can be). Everything I had to be tumbled is currently in it, fairly quietly grinding away. Aunt Jan sent me a bag of stuff, and it's all in there (aside from the glass leaf bead that was in there too). It sounds like the washer's running when you walk in the bedroom - the tumbler is in our bathroom - that's how quiet it is, fully loaded with coarse rocks!
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