Sunday, October 12, 2008

Another Crazy Week

Mom and Dad Snyder left Tuesday, the same night I had a government meeting in Burlington. Wed was another Hamilton meeting, in town. Friday was parent meeting, dentist visits, deliver some popcorn, get really sick. Sat was try to recover while Mark took the girls to town for speech, etc. Now Meghan's sick. It's some viral bug, a mild sore throat, groggy like a cold's coming, then WHAM - fever that can't be controlled, minor nausea, mental fog, very sleepy - takes a few days to get over it - Meghan will not be going to school tomorrow (she actually threw up - a rarity for her, and the only one of us that did that). Meghan's picture was taken today - she's flushed. Jenna had been oddly quiet during dinner Tuesday, and slept most of Wed after school - she had this first.

The whole dentist thing went well - it was Jenna's first, and Meghan's second (first was bad, really bad). I took them to the only pediatric dentist office in the area, covered by insurance. They were great! The girls got to go in the room together, watch each other and then got balloons when they were done. Jenna had a fun time, went first, and Meghan quickly decided it was going to be fun. They managed to get x-rays of Meghan's front top and bottom teeth, she gagged on the side one so they'll try that next time. The hygienist told me about Meghan's special tongue - I had no idea she is officially "tongue-tied". The tissue connecting her tongue to the bottom of her mouth is short - she can't stick out her tongue past her lip. Apparently they can do some procedure to correct it when she's older. She can't curl her tongue around to fish things out from her teeth.

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