Jenna's first day was Wed the 16th, Meghan's 9/2. These pics are from Jenna's first day. She gets to ride the same bus as Meghan in the morning. We waited for the bus over 15 minutes, figured it must have come really early, so I told them to go home, I'd take them (Meghan rides her bike). Just as I got around the corner, I heard the bus. So I walked back to the road, told the (substitute) driver we thought we missed her, and that I'd take the girls in. Jenna was so happy to go to school! It's the same group of kids, and the same teacher, so they're probably already back into their routines. The bus got there on time today. I didn't have much time home alone since I ran some errands Wed, but Thur was great - actually got to exercise and get some beadwork done.