Jenna in the bath tonight.
Meghan's gap tooth smile.

Meghan's gap tooth smile.
Making shadow puppets.
Jenna's thumbs up is common these days!

A black kitten and the torty, and a gray striped one.

This week we discovered kittens in the garden! The guy came to install our high speed net, TV and phone, and as we walked around the house, there were kittens on the front walk! There are 5 kittens living under my hosta plant! There is a tortoiseshell stray that we call Pudding, and she looked gravid a little while ago - she's the mom. There are 2 black, 2 gray tabby striped and one torty that looks like it's mom. One of the gray is male, the rest are girls. Meghan is having a blast playing with them, which is getting them used to people. Pudding won't come near us, but seems ok with arrangement.
I put a box with a towel for better protection. The kittens hide behind the planter, so there is a door in the back of the box.
The kids got together Wed and made kites here. We didn't have much wind, but they had fun running around with them. The girls also got to play with the boys Thur while I had a Hamilton meeting. The town is a formality away from expanding the urban growth area, the first step to moving people out of floodway.
We had rain today, first time in a few weeks. The peas are done, need to plant another crop of them and more radishes, etc. This week we're going to the Children's Museum and to a park on Camano Island with the boys.