Sunday, July 27, 2008

Kittens! Pictures!

First off, uploading pictures is way easier with high speed! Sorry to those who don't have it, it may take a while for them all to download!

Jenna in the bath tonight.
Meghan's gap tooth smile.

Making shadow puppets.

Jenna's thumbs up is common these days!

This week we discovered kittens in the garden! The guy came to install our high speed net, TV and phone, and as we walked around the house, there were kittens on the front walk! There are 5 kittens living under my hosta plant! There is a tortoiseshell stray that we call Pudding, and she looked gravid a little while ago - she's the mom. There are 2 black, 2 gray tabby striped and one torty that looks like it's mom. One of the gray is male, the rest are girls. Meghan is having a blast playing with them, which is getting them used to people. Pudding won't come near us, but seems ok with arrangement.

A black kitten and the torty, and a gray striped one.

I put a box with a towel for better protection. The kittens hide behind the planter, so there is a door in the back of the box.

The kids got together Wed and made kites here. We didn't have much wind, but they had fun running around with them. The girls also got to play with the boys Thur while I had a Hamilton meeting. The town is a formality away from expanding the urban growth area, the first step to moving people out of floodway.

We had rain today, first time in a few weeks. The peas are done, need to plant another crop of them and more radishes, etc. This week we're going to the Children's Museum and to a park on Camano Island with the boys.

Sunday, July 20, 2008


We went fishing today at Lake Shannon (below Baker Lake, and less crowded). The girls had fun, and we actually traded out their large plastic weights for some lures. We thought we saw a couple of fish following them in, but no bites. We took sandwiches and had dinner in the boat. That's Mount Baker in the background.

Yesterday we went to a kid's art day at a park. The girls did hand prints, fish prints (with real dead fish!), spin art, paper flowers and rock critters. Of course, they liked playing on the jungle gym too!

Wednesday was a planned travel day for us. We and Sue and Carson (5) and Kendra and Evan (5) and Jesse(10) went to Anacortes. We played at Storvik park for a while - they've recently added this fantastic play structure. It has a stage, musical components, towers and bridges galore, monkey bars, a mock ferry - Sue said when she wins the lottery she'll build one for us to play on all the time. I got treated to a "I'm a little teapot" dance by Meghan on the stage. Then we went to Washington Park, which is on the point of the island, past where the ferries land. We had lunch there and the kids explored the beach, and the playground, and before we left we went to Sunset Beach (same park) to explore the beach and tide pools a little more. Meghan got so tired, she came to me and said "It's time to go home."

So it's been a busy week for us, but this week will be much quieter - no planned outings until speech therapy on Friday. Wed this week is craft day - we're making kites using bamboo skewers and table covers! I'm hoping at least the boys from last week come up. Meghan misses school so much! I'm almost done getting her school supplies for Sept, all I need is a box of tissues and a laminated family picture. I had to get 24 glue sticks! I'll be hitting thrift stores for school clothes - we don't have any more hand-me-downs for Meghan. She grows so fast!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

All Righty Then!

Well, so much for Snyder Girls, or Snyder Snippets. There's probably way more Snyders out there with blogs! So Snyder Current it is - the Hamilton Current is our local newsletter, put out by moi. It's actually a very old newspaper - there are some originals in the town hall. This should be an easier place to post pictures and such of what's going on in our lives. It's late, so I won't do much now, but I hope to post about once a week. Meghan's lost 4 teeth so far, another one loose - if it falls out soon, she'll be missing both front teeth! It's been hot here lately, so we had fun splashing in our inflatable pool this evening. We had the cover on, and the water was actually warm when we took it off - added more water from the hose before it was nice and cool.